The Shodh Sagar Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (SSJAIML) ensures the long-term preservation of its scholarly content through the use of PKP Preservation Network (PN), CLOCKSS and LOCKSS archiving systems. These solutions are intended to provide robust and reliable preservation services, guaranteeing that the journal's content is available to the academic community indefinitely.

1. CLOCKSS: CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) operates on a worldwide scale to protect scholarly content from loss due to unforeseen circumstances. Its network of archive nodes, spread across many geographic and political zones, is intended to store and preserve content in a secure and dependable manner. CLOCKSS ensures that, in the event of a 'trigger event' such as the loss of content from the publisher, the saved works will remain accessible and usable for future generations.

2. LOCKSS: The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies, Keep Stuff Safe) system takes a decentralized and distributed approach to preservation. Participating libraries throughout the world make and keep local copies of digital content. This strategy protects against technological and organizational failures, ensuring the journal's content remains intact and accessible throughout time.

3. PKP Preservation Network (PN): As part of the Public Knowledge Project, the PKP PN offers an extra preservation framework, specifically for publications that use Open Journal Systems (OJS). This network helps to protect digital academic content by using diverse but complementary preservation strategies. PKP PN ensures that the journal's content, which is controlled via OJS, is saved and made available for long-term academic and research usage.

The journal establishes a comprehensive and multifaceted archiving plan using CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, and PKP PN, ensuring the preservation of its scientific articles and their accessibility for future research and academic pursuits.