The Shodh Sagar Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (SSJAIML) adheres to the principles of open access and offline publication. We believe in free, quick, and unlimited access to scholarly research, and we strive to make the most recent discoveries in Multidisciplinary studies available to a global audience without financial constraints.

1. Accessibility: All articles published in the Journal are freely available to anyone with internet access shortly after publication. There is no subscription cost, registration, or other access restrictions.

2. Licensing: Articles are often released under a Creative Commons (CC BY NC) license, which compels re-users to credit the creator. It enables re-users to share, remix, modify, and build on the material in any media or format for non-commercial use only.

3. Archiving and Preservation: The Journal ensures the long-term availability and preservation of its material by utilizing digital archives and repositories such as LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.

4. No Subscription or Paywalls: All of our published work is free of subscription fees or paywalls, in keeping with our Open Access policy. All research articles, reviews, editorials, and other content kinds are free.

5. Quality and Peer Review: Adherence to Open Access does not jeopardies the quality and rigor of our publishing process. To ensure high academic and research standards, all submissions are subjected to a rigorous peer-review procedure.

6. Costs: The Journal may impose an Article Processing impose (APC) to pay publication costs. This fee is usually paid by the author's institution or funding body and is not a barrier to publication. Read more about our APC policy.

This Open Access policy seeks to build a more inclusive and collaborative scientific community by encouraging the dissemination and exchange of knowledge without financial or legal barriers.