The Shodh Sagar Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (SSJAIML) is dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of academic integrity and intellectual conduct. In accordance with this commitment, we have a strict policy against plagiarism. This policy is applicable to all submitted manuscripts and published publications.

1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism encompasses, but is not limited to, using another author's words, ideas, or idioms without proper credit. This involves plagiarizing text, photos, or data from other sources, excessive paraphrasing, and claiming credit for other people's research findings.

2. Plagiarism Threshold: SSJAIML maintains a rigorous plagiarism criterion, with a maximum similarity index of 15%. Manuscripts with a similarity index that exceeds this threshold are subject to additional review, revision, or rejection.

3. Plagiarism Detection: All SSJAIML submissions are reviewed using plagiarism detection tools to discover instances of overlap with already published works. This procedure contributes to the originality and quality of the research we publish.

4. Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are 100% original and that all sources are correctly cited or quoted. Prior to submission, authors should examine their articles for plagiarism.

5. Handling of Plagiarism: If plagiarism is discovered at any time, whether before or after publication, the editorial board will take necessary action. This may include, but is not limited to, requesting a modification from the author(s), rejecting the manuscript, or retracting the previously published article.

6. Self-Plagiarism: SSJAIML also acknowledges the issue of self-plagiarism. Authors should not submit previously published work, including their own, in whole or in part, unless properly cited and with explicit indication of reused material.

7. Education and Prevention: SSJAIML is dedicated to teaching authors and reviewers about plagiarism as well as best practices in citation and academic writing in order to prevent plagiarism.

8. Appeals: Authors have the ability to challenge plagiarism claims. Appeals must include convincing evidence of originality and correct citation.